Our Packaging

At Fiction & Friction we care about the impact our packaging has on the environment. When we send packages we want them to arrive safely without adding more waste than necessary into the world.

We have a very minimal amount of packages arrive damaged because we pack orders from one book lover to another. All packaging used is all reused, recyclable or biodegradable.

  • Any bubble wrap included in packages is reused and not all books are wrapped in bubble wrap. Bubble wrap does not protect your books, I know lots of people think it does but bubble wrap is not the important part. A good quality box with sufficient packaging in the box to stop movement during transit is the best way to package books. We are speaking from over 4 years experience of making sure your books arrive without damage.

Not only do we reuse, and recycle everything but if an effort to minimise waste in general we made sure our 'business cards' are a usable item. Instead of a business card you'll get a bookmark with a QR code on the back, that QR code will take you to our links page on the website.

We can all do our part to make this planet better for the future. We don't have to do everything. But, even just doing one thing to help makes a huge difference and is super important.